Welcome to the podcast!

So I kind of fucked up. I had this recording from the beginning of mine and Doug's conversation...or so I thought. I caught it a bit late but have most it. Did I mention this was my first podcast? You'd think it was, damn rookie mistake. We had some fun shit to talk about and I always laugh my ass off when we bullshit. I could tell you what we talked about, but I really can't remember cause I'm old ass fuck. Anyways, thanks again peeps and don't forget to subscribe. Appreciate ya and enjoy!

Hella Average with Jose. The music track "Chief Honkey" is written and performed by Josh Graham and used with permission.

This Episode is brought to you by KTShirts.net and josemeza_creator on IG.

Check me out on YouTube at Jose Meza and subscribe, it always helps! Youtube.com/josemeza

