Letter #24

Welcome to the Juan and Joe Podcast!

We are back in the "studio" bangin out Episode #29! We discuss our interpretation of the current social media outlets. Facebook is for friends who like to brag, IG is for creators (us) and Twitter is for celebrities or people who already have status. Jose found a story about a baseball player who's legacy is having one of the most memorable cards ever. We also learn about how expensive it is to drink Bud Light at Vegas Pool Parties. We finally roll into the letter around the hour and a half mark. B-Rad sent a pic, but sorry, we ain't publishing it. Baden interrupts the letter at one point to rant about how stupid the Lord of the Rings movies are. Jose also created an animation for @iancamfield and @rickygervais (yes, THAT Ricky Gervais) In this letter B-Rad

Ian Camfield and Ricky Gervais Animation - https://youtu.be/D52rKssmWNk

Cars & Coffee - Koenigsegg Agera RS - https://youtu.be/BeShOb7BbX8

Keith Comstock appeared on one of the most memorable baseball cards ever made - https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/27425987/guy-ball-crotch-story-funniest-baseball-card-ever-made

Lord of the Rings Summary - https://youtu.be/vmuT8UeTk4s

Juan and Joe Podcast is Jonathan Baden and Jose Meza. The music track "Chief Honkey" is written and performed by Josh Graham and used with permission.

This Episode is brought to you by KTShirts.net.

Check out Juan and Joe Studios on YouTube! Youtube.com/juanandjoestudios
