Letter #23

Welcome to the Juan and Joe Podcast!

Alrighty - we kick this episode off with something new and end it with something odd! The first two hours are us checking out ESPN 8 - THE OCHO. We review a few classics such as Buck Hunter (yes, the video game), Stone Skipping, Chess Boxing and Headis. The podcast is way more entertaining than the events but not sure if that's saying much! Skip to the 2:08 mark to hear an older letter that we read for the first time. This episode was so epic that the field recorder got bored and cut us off before we could tell you all the stuff we're working on. White Men Can't Jump!

Juan and Joe Podcast is Jonathan Baden and Jose Meza. The music track "Chief Honkey" is written and performed by Josh Graham and used with permission.

This Episode is brought to you by KTShirts.net.

Check out Juan and Joe Studios on YouTube! Youtube.com/juanandjoestudios
