74. Buying a PS5 and a Covid test at the same time?

Welcome to the podcast!

Scoring a PS5 while waiting in line for a Covid test! Talk about timing and wondering which one I had a better chance between the two, ha! I think I'm starting to enjoy this, except for the dirtbags always trying to scam you. It's unbelievable how these lowlifes scour CL and try to use the same shitty tactic on every post.

Also, CDC says that working 50+ hours a week can lead up to heart disease and stroke, but I don't see them making a push for less work hours. What kind of shit is this?? And as always, thanks again peeps and don't forget to subscribe. Appreciate ya, enjoy and thanks for listening!

Hella Average with Jose. The music track "Chief Honkey" is written and performed by Josh Graham and used with permission.

This Episode is brought to you by KTShirts.net and josemeza_creator on IG.

Check me out on YouTube at Jose Meza and subscribe, it always helps! Youtube.com/josemeza

