75. Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gansta!

Welcome to the podcast!

I am now a proud gun owner! Yes, that's right. I didn't realize how happy it actually makes me hahaha! I've never owned a gun because I really never got into them, plus they can be expensive and I already have an expensive hobbie, but it feels good to be a gansgta! So I took a day off and it was perfect! We went shooting...always fun but this time I was packing my own shit, got some drinks after some gunfire then cigars. I mean ATF doesn't work unless you check them all off, and then made some coin. Well as always, thanks again peeps and don't forget to subscribe. Appreciate ya, enjoy and thanks for listening!

Hella Average with Jose. The music track "Chief Honkey" is written and performed by Josh Graham and used with permission.

This Episode is brought to you by KTShirts.net and josemeza_creator on IG.

Check me out on YouTube at Jose Meza and subscribe, it always helps! Youtube.com/josemeza

